- How to unlock the Google Pixel bootloader and flash a custom rom with root
- Wireless cross platform file transfer
- My Opinion about modular phones
- The 10 reasons of why I consider the Casio F-91W to be the best watch in the world
- Using machine learning to predict integers from a training set
- An introduction to Browser Automation - Programming a form sender bot in Python using Selenium
- Playing around with ADB
- Analysing iPhone network traffic communication with Burp suite
- Old Technology vs New Technology - Casio F-91W vs Xiaomi Mi Band 2
- Ubuntu Touch on the LG Nexus 4 in 2018 - the painful installation and review
- WebOS reincarnated on LG Nexus 4 as LuneOS
- Installing Firefox OS on Google Nexus 4
- Installing Sailfish OS on Google Nexus 4
- Using a Nexus 4 in 2018
- When computers see dreams - the essence of dreams
- Exploring Google DeepDream and getting nice images
- Using Hugo with Travis CI on GitHub Pages
- PythonCMS - A static blog and site generator